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Inline skating in Czech Repulic

obrazekCzech Republic is the country where inline skating experiences very strong boom nowadays. From the early begin of inline age here, Inlajn.Cz was here and is still very active in inline life.

On the begin we were skating every time and every were and we would like to skate some race. Unfortunately no event was here. So we decided to manage the race and from this time we are on wave. Since first race called Bohemia Inline 2004 we are organizinig lot of inline events in Czech Republic and abroad.

The group of inlajners was transformed to foundation / sport club and started to participate on many international events (24 Hours Le Mans, Berliner Marathon, OneElven and many others.)

We did not forget our roots and Inlajn.Cz is the web containing lot of information about skates, skating techniques, tips for the trips and so on.

If you are interested in skating in Czech Republic, do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail. We do have a lot of skate friends around the Europe and we are ready to have more :-)

… are You interested in Inlajn.Cz web page? You can support us with teh link on Your page.

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